The Life
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies, –John 11:25
Jesus, throughout the gospels, would often times refer to himself as “the Life”. What did He really mean by this? What exactly does being alive and having life really mean? When I was young boy, I would go camping in the north Georgia mountains with my father and brothers. I often remember the initial moments of waking up and breathing in the cool crisp mountain air, feeling the dew covering the ground as a blanket, and smelling sausage, eggs, and coffee cooking on a Coleman stove. As I crawled out the tent, I would often exclaim, “Ah, this is the life! It just doesn’t get any better than this.”
Fast forwarding a few years later during my early college years, I remember the late nights of music from an electric guitar vibrating loudly in my eardrums, the smell of alcohol perforating from my skin as I dance with strangers, and gazing over at my fraternity brothers ordering yet another pitcher of beer. In those moments of temporal ecstasy, I often remember thinking, “Ah, this is the life. It just doesn’t get any better than this.”
As I look back at all the many times I have mistakenly thought that these fleeting moments were full of life, and true living, they did in fact contain no true life in them at all. It took me years to understand that life was not an event, nor even a moment in time, but a living Person. The Person of Jesus Christ. True life is not temporal, but eternal. It is described when Jesus said I Am the bread of life, he who comes to Me shall never hunger or thirst again! He is life, and it is when He lives His resurrected life through us by His Spirit that we can truly say “Ah, this is the life! It t just doesn’t get any better than this.”
Willing to Take the Challenge?
The world is full of life-seekers. Life-seekers can be commonly found in nightclubs, in bars, in the abuse of alcohol and drugs, in one nightstands, and much more. As His body and bride, we must be willing to extend our arms to these people in full measure and reveal to them Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit and the heart of the Father. It is then that the emptiness they are trying to fill with this world can be filled with the One who took their sins upon a cross, and desires to give them life eternal.